Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the most cost and time-effective way to improve a huge variety of symptoms. Decades of research have come up with highly specified interventions in order to reduce anxieties, to change thought patterns, solve blockages and change behaviours that keep problems alive.
For example might someone with social anxieties feel increasingly uncomfortable going out, might handle threatening situations with alcohol, medication or illegal drugs and might slide more and more into depression. CBT would try to identify and break the vicious cycle as soon as possible – helping the patient to recognize how negative thoughts and avoiding behaviour work hand in hand and to establish ‘behavioural experiments’ in order to get into a new mind set through alternative experiences.
It’s quite an intuitive and pragmatic approach, and –best of all – it works.
CBT interventions are short-term and very focused on the presenting problems. I often use them in the beginning of a therapy to show my clients how to help themselves with their pressuring symptoms. And to understand, why even the most obscure symptom once made sense.
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